A Day to Celebrate

Five years ago I woke up early ready to face my first round of chemotherapy and prayed, “LORD, I’m not ready for this. Would You just let me know You’re with me? I can’t do this without You.” I glanced out the window and gasped at how God had responded to my prayer.

This was going to be my second battle with cancer and memories of going through chemo again had me nearly paralyzed with fear. I knew what awaited me. The side effects of losing my hair, difficult IV’s, pain, overwhelming fatigue and much more weighed heavily on me. I dressed in camo thinking dressing in battle fatigues would somehow bolster my courage. It didn’t, but when I saw that incredible rainbow in the sky, I just knew God had me covered.

This morning, I woke up with a bit of a headache. Alberta weather sometimes wreaks havoc on my body. Barometric ups and downs can give me migraines, so I was not looking forward to my morning workout at the gym. Before I left, I had a hasty quiet time. Admittedly, it was little more than a whiny complaint to God that He supply me with enough strength and energy to get in a good work out. Walking around the track at the gym, lifting a few weights, and then pedalling 8 km. on a stationary bike made me forget my headache. It wasn’t a stellar workout, but it was okay. At home, I put in a load of laundry, and unloaded the dishwasher. I decided to procrastinate just long enough to check Facebook before I set about to clean the bathroom and deep clean the kitchen. These activities I consider all very mundane, all very ordinary things I do daily, and things I tend to take for granted. I lament having to do chores and working out. I never consider them as much more than tedious exercises, and definitely not something I want to praise God for, until the picture of the rainbow I had posted five years ago came up in the Facebook “memories” feed.

I had completely forgotten the significance of today’s date.

In June, 2019, I could not think five years into the future. As I began chemo treatments I was only thinking one day at a time. I documented my journey in detail on this blog and praised God for His watch care over me throughout all six rounds of chemo and the radiation treatments that followed.

As I remembered God’s provision then, and throughout these last five years, I was suddenly overwhelmed by emotion and thankfulness. I hurried back to my prayer corner and humbly apologized for my hurried time with Him this morning. I thanked God for every single activity I face daily, no matter how menial. I want to take nothing for granted, but embrace each chore, and each precious daily activity by giving Him praise for another day of life.

Every day is His Gift to me.

Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow!

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1 Response to A Day to Celebrate

  1. Brian Balash says:

    Glad you are doing good and thank you for helping others with the encouragement from God’s word.


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