A Birthday and a Baptism

Last weekend we celebrated a “milestone” birthday for my eldest daughter. She has persisted in saying she is celebrating her 29th birthday for the last eleven years. You do the math.

As a parent of adult children, every birthday celebration for them, means I am also a year older, something I am not as eager to celebrate. A recent conversation with my oldest grandchild, illuminated that fact very well. As I held my youngest grandchild, I commented to my thirteen year old grandson that Luca will probably look to his older cousin for math tutoring when he turns thirteen. Jaxon, the math whiz said, “But Grandma, I will likely be married with kids, since I will be twenty-six, when Luca is thirteen.” Ack!

Math has never been my friend…especially when it comes to counting the years ahead.

My Pastor once commented that the passage of time can be likened to a toilet paper roll. The closer it gets to the end of the roll, the faster it spins!

Four decades ago, I became a mom to a beautiful baby girl. Those years are filled with so many precious memories! Thirteen years ago, she promoted me to grandma status when Jaxon was born. I wrote a blog about his “Baby Feet”, when he was five months old. I contemplated how I hoped he would grow up to be one of “those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!” (Isaiah 52:7)

Last Sunday, I saw him baptized.

This grandma’s heart nearly burst with thanksgiving to God. Glancing over at his Mom, my sweet daughter, I knew the joy she was experiencing at that moment. I praised God for allowing me to witness this important milestone in my grandson’s faith journey.

I wonder what the next thirteen years will hold for him? He is already talking about going to seminary, going into ministry, bringing the “good news” to others. He needs my prayers and all the support and encouragement I can give him through the years ahead.

I wonder what those years ahead will hold for me? God has a plan for Jaxon’s life and for mine. Journeying with God is an adventure at any age. May we both be ready to take the road less travelled, and follow God every step of the way.

Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow!

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